Match of the Day: 21.07.2014

Today’s Match of the Day is NOT a Sting match but a match between the UNDEFEATED WCW United States Champion, Goldberg, taking on the WCW Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!

This match was the main event on a ‘normal’ Monday Nitro which brings WCW a lot of criticism from those in wrestling circles, who believed that they blew a chunk of money that this match would have garnered them in Pay Per View sales!

Regardless, this was pretty epic, made more special by the fact that this particular Nitro was held in Atlanta, where Goldberg had played American Football and was a total hero!


Well, for those of you who have listened to my first attempt at a making a podcast, or taken a look around this site, you will be aware that our first inductee into our Hall of Fame is none other than Sting.

The ‘Stinger’ was on the first pro wrestling TV show that I had ever seen and the character jumped right out of the screen at me. I absolutely loved watching him in the ring, listening to his promos and his feuds with Big Van Vader are still some of the best to this day.

Obviously, when writing podcast shows or blogs, it’s all about opinions and this is where I get to give my opinions, just like that statement above about Sting and Vader. You may not always agree with my opinions and that’s cool, just be respectful in the comments and we’ll be all good. I am always up for a chat though so I’m interested to hear your comments and constructive feedback; on both the blog and the podcast!

Until the next blog post, thanks for reading, and here is a video of Sting teaming up with Ron Simmons to take on Big Van Vader and Rick Rude, just a few weeks before they would battle it out in the final of the King of Cable tournament at Starrcade in 1992. Enjoy!